
Sunday, November 1, 2009

I find myself becoming less attached to my computer these days. Used to be I'd sit here for hours, randomly checking facebook and other websites. Now I log on maybe once in the evenings after everyone else has gone to bed. Although I guess becoming unplugged isn't really such a bad thing.

The weekends go by way too fast. Even though there's not much difference for me between weekends and weekdays thanks to the joy of being unemployed... Sunday nights now mean that Lauren has to go back to work, and Rachel goes back to school. And I'm left rattling around in a house that still doesn't quite feel like home, and alone. I've ventured out a few times around the area, but there are so many interstates and roads around here, I'm not quite brave enough to go joyriding. I'm not sure I'll ever figure this place out.

I sound like I'm whining. Truth is, I've been in a funk all day. Worried about whether I'll get this job... worried about whether I'll find something else.... worried about Lauren's job.... just generally worrying.

I felt homesick today. It's hard to explain. I don't want to move back... and I'm not regretting being here in the slightest. I guess I was just missing the familiar. Perhaps that's normal.

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