
Monday, November 23, 2009

A month of Thanks ~ text messages

Today I'm thankful for text messaging on my phone. Seems like a trivial thing to be thankful for, but thankful I am nonetheless. If someone would have told me two years ago that I would have not only joined the ranks of the texting masses, but also got the fancy phone with the keyboard, I would have laughed in their face. Yet here I am, fancy texting phone and unlimited message plan, and thoroughly loving it.

In keeping with my character trait (or perhaps flaw) of saving EVERYTHING, it shouldn't come as a huge surprise to reveal that I save just about every message I get. I even typed up messages from old phones so I could keep them forever. When my spirits start to flounder, sometimes reading a message from the people I love most is enough to lift them back up a little.

Lauren has a knack for sending me a text just when I really need to hear an "i love you" from someone. My parents have fancy new Blackberry phones, and have also joined the ranks of the texting world. I have several funny messages from Rachel. Pictures and messages from my Aunt Lisa make me smile.

I still have messages from Heather, and I find myself reading them over and over again. I do not, however have text messages from Emily. This bugs me alot. I didn't hop onto the texting bandwagon until after she died. Just one of the many things I still sometimes kick myself in the butt for.

Last night my friend Debbie sent me an out-of-the-blue message, just to tell me she'd been thinking about me. It came at one of those moments where I was just feeling mopey. That simple little message flashing across my screen reminded me of how blessed I still am by the friends and family in my life.

I don't need a piece of technology to realize their importance, but the countless messages I've saved over the last couple of years are a tangible reminder of all that I have to be thankful for.

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