
Saturday, November 7, 2009

A month of Thanks ~ a mish mash of stuff

I must admit, this morning I'm not feeling especially thankful for anything. Call it a funk, foul mood, or just plain feeling sorry for myself... but I'm finding it alot easier to list the things that are going wrong at the moment, rather than find something to be thankful for.

So I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and remind myself that there is always something to be thankful for. And of course, things quickly come to me. And since I'm not in a mood to elaborate on just one thing.... today I'm simply thankful for a mish-mash of stuff.

I'm thankful for the cats that slept on my feet last night because I think they knew something was wrong. Usually they don't stay with me.

I'm thankful for the teenager that makes me laugh and forget my troubles.

I'm thankful for my cousin that knows sometimes a hug says more than words.

I'm thankful for the comment my mom left me on my last post- and even more thankful for my mom.

I'm thankful for my dad who patiently listens to my silly questions about all things fish-tank related, usually when I'm calling him smack-dab in the middle of the workday.

I'm thankful for the friends who call and keep me updated on Heather.

I'm thankful for the internet, that keeps me in touch with so many people.

I'm thankful simply for the fact that I'm still here.

Now the key is to keep these thoughts going through the day....

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