
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Got to get out of here

I hate my job. I spend most of my days doing a whole lot of nothing- just pretending to look busy. And it’s not that I don’t have stuff to do… it’s just that it doesn’t interest me in the least. I don’t care, because it isn’t important. And it makes the days seem so incredibly long. But I can’t seem to help it. I tell myself everyday that I’m going to do better, but then I get here… and I simply don’t care again. I’ve got to get out of here.

I’ve been stressing the last week about how I’m going to ask my parents about moving to Columbia. And then it hit me the other day… I am 25 years old. I don’t have to ask for their permission. Heck, I could leave tomorrow if I really wanted to. (I’d never do that to them.) I mean, am I afraid they are going to say no? They can’t stop me. I guess the bottom line is I want their approval. But I don’t need their permission. I really feel like this time moving in with Lauren could be a reality. I think it’s doable. Since mom and dad loaned me part of Emily’s insurance money to pay off my credit cards, I don’t have all that debt hanging over my head. I owe them back of course, but it’s only one payment and no interest. So I can totally still do that, and pay Lauren rent. I’ve been paying mom and dad, so it’s really not going to “cost” me more. I just need a job. But even so—if I really, really work at saving up maybe three months salary, I could go ahead and move and find a job when I get there. I think it may be kinda hard to find one from here. But I don’t doubt that I could get a job pretty easily.

Moving is the only thing that makes my days seem bearable. I’m sitting here absolutely dreading the thought of coming back here tomorrow. And next week. And the week after. It’s like a tunnel that never, ever ends. I have got to get out of here. I want to go to the one place I feel happy and safe. I want to go to the one place I feel like I am home. I want to go to South Carolina. I can’t take another day here.

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