
Monday, May 19, 2008

The trips not taken, and scrapbooks not finished...

My cousin Sarah was here over the weekend, and she brought her Nintendo Wii along with her. (I’m typing this much slower today because I think I strained my fingers pushing all those buttons.) I am 25 years old, and can count on one hand the number of times I have actually played a video game. We didn’t have one growing up…. and actually, neither of us were really that interested in them. We were too busy with our noses stuck in books. I used to play with my cousin Jeffrey when we went to visit them… but I never really wanted my own. Probably because I was really bad at it!!
And as I was playing with Sarah this weekend…. I realized that I am still really bad at it!

The last time we were all at the Berg’s, I think it was for Sarah’s birthday. She had gotten the “Dance, Dance, Revolution” game for her Wii, and we were all having way too much fun with this thing. I think that there may still be some video footage floating around somewhere. *shudder*. Emily and I decided that we wanted one, and we wanted the dance game. We talked about buying one together and sharing it.
I had forgotten about it until I was playing with Sarah. The Wii was just another thing that we had talked about and never got around to doing.

There were a lot of things like that. We were going to take a trip to Canada and see Niagra falls. We were going to go to Ocean City for a girls weekend… it’s so close and neither of us have ever been. We were going to go to a club and go dancing. We had an endless list of movies we still wanted to see. We talked about it, and never got around to it. We were too busy, gas was too expensive, we realized neither of us can dance… all kinds of excuses to put it off.

Life is way too short for excuses. I wish I had made the time to do those things.

When Emily graduated from high school, I wanted to make her a scrapbook of pictures of the two of us. She graduated in 2005. It is 2008 and it is still half-finished. I never gave it to her. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that at least she saw it. She was always going through my stuff. For once I’m grateful she was a snoop. But I wish I had finished it and had given it to her. Now, I can’t quite decide if I will finish it at all.

Maybe I’ll leave it like it is as a reminder that life is too short to wait for the things that matter.

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