
Monday, June 9, 2008

Stupid People

This really doesn’t have much to do with Emily, except that she would so totally understand what I mean about "stupid people".

So in addition to my job as an Admin here at lovely Johnson Controls/York Process Systems/Frick, I work part-time in the evenings at the Food Lion Deli. I think I’ve learned more about people in the 8 months I’ve been there than in the entire 5 years of working in this office. And everything I have learned can be summed up in one little sentence. “Most people are ignorant.”
There’s some kind of phenomenon that happens to a lot of people when they walk through the doors of a grocery store. They get rude. They forget that those people working at the registers and behind the counters are actually people just like them with feelings. Now I know not everyone is like this—I’ve actually met a few rather nice people. But the nasty ones by far outnumber the pleasant ones.

I’d really like to post a sign up at the deli…. but since I’d most likely be fired on the spot, I’ll just put it out here in cyberspace. :)

When you walk up to the deli counter, please do not try and talk to me and continue your conversation on your cell phone. It’s rude. If your call is that important, you shouldn’t be trying to shop and talk anyway. I will not wait on you if you are yakking on a cell phone.

When you walk up to the counter, do not look at me and say “I want some ham”, when you can see perfectly well that there are at least 6 different kinds of ham in the case in front of you.

On that note… saying “I would like…”, or “could I please have…” comes across a lot nicer than demanding “I want…”

I don’t care if you are in a hurry. It is really rude to rattle off your entire order of 20 different things, and then say “I’ll be back in 5 minutes.” Yeah, right.

Just because you are a customer does not mean you are always right.

Do not wait to tell me until after I have sliced three pounds of turkey and I am weighing on the scale that you wanted it chipped. You should have said something earlier. And it's not like you couldn't see the slicer from where you are standing.

“Please” and “thank-you” are still in the dictionary last time I looked.

I do not control the prices. Please don’t yell at me because the ham you always get has gone up 15 cents. Especially when I can see that the purse you are carrying costs more than my car.

When it is 10:00 at night, the lights are off, and you can see the broom in my hands, do not ask if the Deli is closed. Duh.

Don't tell me to smile. If I’m not smiling, it doesn’t mean that I am being rude. It means that I miss my sister and I am doing the best I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


For what it is worth those same people are not only at the grocery store. They are everywhere. They procreate, and evolve at an alarming rate. I also believe they have daily meetings at which they discuss new and inventive ways to anger my otherwise easy going persona. I have been told I am a touch paranoid though so I may be wrong about the daily meetings part. It may be weekly.
You are welcome to real estate on my island.

Uncle Mike