
Saturday, June 14, 2008


I'm lonely.

I have never been this lonely in all my life.

Here's how I spent my Friday:

Went to work.

Got yelled at by my boss.

Cried because I really believe I am doing a good job, but for some reason I just can't measure up to his expectations, and I will never, ever, be able to do anything right.

Got really, really mad because my boss made me cry.

Started to call Emily to vent. Realized halfway through.... cried again.

Called my dad and said they were being mean to me again.

Went home.

Went to the store and bought junk food.

Watched her Friend's DVD's.

Called Debbie. As usual, she didn't answer.

Left a message... not holding my breath that she will call me back.

Started to call Lauren... didn't want to bum her out.

Wanted to call Diana... couldn't remember what time it was in California, but figured she was working.

Tried to think of someone else to call.

Sadly realized there was no one else to call.

Trying to decide if I will post this or not.

Thinking maybe it wasn't such a smart idea to send this blog to so many people.

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