
Monday, June 9, 2008

nervous breakdown....

if you think you're having a nervous breakdown, does it mean you really are or just overreacting? Is it something you are aware of as it's happening, or is it something you don't realize until after the fact? Because I think I'm having one.......I am actually daydreaming about what it would be like to completely lose it and have to be "put away" for a few days. Wondering if I could possibly be fired for going nuts. Not caring if I was.... thinking of blowing off working at Food Lion tonight and going home, putting on my pj's, and crawling into bed for the next week.
wanting all the stress of work and problems at church to just go away.
wondering if it's Emily I'm so upset over, my job and nasty bosses, or just a combination of everything.

I think I'm going crazy.

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