
Friday, December 4, 2009


After braving the crazy hordes of people at Wal-Mart on a Friday night (what were we thinking?!), Laurie and I decided to treat ourselves to a burger at Fudruckers for dinner. We sat at our table for about an hour, just goofing off and talking. Rachel is spending the weekend with her dad, so it was just us. I love that girl, but she definitely doesn't like to sit and linger. She's constantly on the go. So it was nice to be able to spend a little while just leisurely talking. As we were getting up to leave, one of the women at the table next to us asked Lauren how we were related. Before we could answer she asked if we were mother and daughter (poor Lauren!). Laurie was a good sport- we laughed and said, no- we're cousins. They told us we really resembled each other. I know Lauren wasn't wild about them thinking she was old enough to be my mother, but it tickled me that they thought we looked so much alike. :)

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