
Thursday, December 17, 2009

An Alexander Kind of Day

So it's officially been an Alexander kind of day. As in the book- "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day". One of those days where a whole bunch of little things go wrong, and even though it's not that big of a deal.... by the end of the day you're left wanting to throw your arms up in the air and just say the heck with it.

I started off by waking up at 4am and wasn't able to go back to sleep.

My Christmas cards still haven't been mailed because I need stamps. I got lost trying to find the post office. Never did find it. Cards are still in the car.

None of my clothes fit anymore.

I can't afford to buy clothes that do.

And it's not like I have anywhere to wear them anyway.

Tried to use my new Wachovia card at Starbucks today and the card wouldn't work. And of course the place was busy. And people were giving me "that look". Very embarrassing.
Turns out I forgot to activate the card.

Dropped a box on my toe.

I have terrible cramps. (Sorry guys..)

Spilled a glass of water all over Lauren's coffee table and got a bunch of her papers soaked.

Went to the store to buy a memory card and discovered when I got home that I bought a card adapter instead.

And then to top it all off.... I locked myself and Rachel out of the house tonight. In the dark. In our pajamas. In the cold. Yes, South Carolina does get cold. Lauren was at band practice and we couldn't get ahold of her. Our neighbor with the key wasn't home. We ended up having to call Laurie's dad to come over with the key.... and he was not happy with us at all. I felt terrible. After we sat out there for about half an hour, Rachel suddenly remembered she had a house key on her school badge which was in her pocket. Luckily we discovered that before Uncle John drove all the way over. But I still felt embarrassed and really, really stupid. I hate having people mad at me. :(

And now I can't sleep. I miss Emily, I'm bummed because I don't have a job, I'm starting to get a little worried about money, I'm irritated because I can't afford to get Christmas presents like I usually do... and...and...and....

I'm whining.

Seriously.... the only good thing about these kinds of days is when they're over.

Here's to tomorrow being a better day.

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