
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Inspiration, where art thou?

I should be writing something. After last week there certainly shouldn't be a shortage of stories, lessons, and heartwarming moments.

Yet the blank screen taunts me.

I want to write something. Anything. Something inspiring. Motivating. Funny.
Anything to erase the blank screen that's been dogging me all week.

I seem to have fallen into the "post mission trip slump". I've been absolutely useless this week. And lonely. I went from spending every day (and some nights!) with a group of 18 people. There was no shortage of laughter, teasing, and really- we came to be like a family. It's amazing how close you can become to people in just a short period of time. And then all too soon, the week is over and I'm stuck with my own company.

The whole unemployment thing seems to have set in more since I've been back. After a week of being productive and feeling like I accomplished something at the end of each day, this sitting around at home has become old. I feel useless. And again, lonely. I miss my friends from work, but somehow I don't think they seem to miss me much at all.

No wonder my search for inspiring is nothing more than a wild goose chase. It's getting lost in a maze of self-pity and moping.

One thing I have learned is that the more you force the words, the more elusive they become. So in place of words and listening to me whine, I leave you with something even better. Pictures! A sampling of some of my favorites.

Building #8- to be completed Sept. 2010

It will look something like this: (This is Building #6)

1 comment:

Ayie said...

it such a great cause, I've always wanted to join and participate there.