
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome to unemployment

It's been three days and I'm still trying to get used to the idea that I am.....


Well, not completely unemployed. I still have my part time job at Food Lion, but on Monday I was laid off from Frick. Happy 1st Day Back from Vacation to me! I was in the office for about an hour and a half and then I got the phone call.

I'm still waiting to be upset. I'm not thrilled that I lost my job, but yet there's a huge part of me that feels an overwhelming sense of...

Relief. It's over.

I've been quite unhappy for a long time. Stressed out and frustrated and miserable to be perfectly honest. I've known for a long time that it was time to move on. I kept waiting for the "right time" to go, and kept finding reasons to put it off.
So the "right time" found me instead.

God's timing never ceases to amaze me. I'd been struggling all week last week with what I wanted to do, and where I wanted to go. Last Friday I found myself in the middle of Lauren's living room on my knees with my face buried in her couch, just praying that God would show me what to do.

I sure wasn't expecting an answer this quickly.

I've had three days to try and adjust to the idea, and I'm still feeling mostly relief, and a whole lot of peace.

I still have my job at Food Lion. I applied for unemployment yesterday. I did get a severance package that will sustain me for a little while. My biggest worry was that I leave for Poland in less than a month. But the trip is already paid for, the tickets are already purchased, and I can't back out now. So I'm still going.

It's like a month long vacation. And I have that long to figure out what I'm going to do next once I get back from my trip.

I'm really at peace about being laid off. But what really is bothering me is the people that I won't be seeing. I made so, so many close friends. I miss them already. I realized the other night that I wouldn't be able to go to my work Bible Study group on Wednesdays anymore. That's when I started crying.

But unbeknownst to me, the girls had something up their sleeves. Debbie called me yesterday morning and told me to meet them at Roxanne's house at lunch. They moved off site today so I could go. And those wonderful girls came bearing food, flowers, presents.... and alot of love.

When you start to feel like your world is crumbling apart, sometimes all it takes is to spend time with your girlfriends to remind you how strong the foundation you're standing on really is.

I guess a good way to look at it is that I have a month to really pray about what I want to do next, and where I want to go. Suddenly I find myself with quite a few options. I'm just waiting for the Boss to point me in the right direction...

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