
Friday, June 5, 2009

One of THOSE days....

Have you ever had one of those days where as soon as your feet hit the floor, you KNOW you should just turn around and go back to bed?

I started off my morning with an empty shampoo bottle. I couldn't find my favorite pair of earrings. The milk is past it's expiration date so I didn't have breakfast before I left for work. My cat is sick with another kidney infection and threw up again this morning. My only pair of clean blue socks has a hole in the toe. It's raining. My socks get soaked when I wear my favorite shoes in the rain, so I had to wear sneakers. Which completely don't match. My umbrella has a small leak. I knocked my orange juice over on my desk and it spilled all over my mousepad. I jammed my finger. My boss yelled at me. My iPod battery is almost dead and I forgot the charger.
And it's only 7:30

But you know what the kicker is? The thing that tipped this day from "bad" to "truly awful?"

Someone stole my salt shaker.

That was the final straw. It's enough to make anyone cry. Even me.

I realize that it's not really the salt shaker that I cried over. It's a combination of a week's worth of pent-up frustration, the fact that I'm so sleepy I can barely keep my eyes open, the generally miserable atmosphere in this horrible office, Heather not getting the best news from the oncologist, not having anything to wear anymore because none of my clothes fit, working two jobs and still never having money, AND on top of it all- I just plain out and out miss Emily.

Wow, my life is rough isn't it? Can I BE more whiney?

I'm teetering on the edge of an all-out pity party. When your days start out bad, I wonder if it's really because it's destined to be bad, or if it's because our attitude gets out of whack and from that moment on we anticipate that everything else is going to go wrong. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I suppose if I really, really tried hard.... I could think of a good moment.


Ok, so maybe I haven't had a good moment just quite yet. But I've still got the rest of the day.

But I'm really ticked about my missing salt shaker.

I mean, seriously, who steals someone's salt?

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