
Friday, February 26, 2010

Slow Fade ~ 15 Words or Less Poetic Challenge

Slow Fade
sunlight fading
on the vastness of the sea
whispering goodbye
as you flow away from me

The comment about my poem this week was that it was beautiful and sad. I guess it is kind of melancholy. The ocean makes me think of Emily. I don't know if it's the sheer endlessness of the water, the rhythm of the waves, the solitude, or just simply because the last time I talked to her was at the beach. Whatever the reason, Emily and the ocean are synonymous in my mind.

There were alot of great poems tied to this picture. Check them out!


Anonymous said...

this is beautiful melissa. love you and miss you!


laurasalas said...

What a beautiful tribute and self-expression and vulnerability--I salute the way you're sharing yourself and your journey online.

I especially loved the slide show. The picture of you (I assume) with all those barettes in your hair pushing Emily in a baby swing...oh. Amazing--the power of words and images.