
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Riddance, 2008

Alot of those somewhat sappy new year's e-mails have been flooding my inbox lately. You know the ones I mean- about how the new year is going to be one filled with all kinds of blessings and good things- health, wealth, happiness, friends- and have pretty pictures of floating angels and sappy music playing in the background. Those syrupy sweet e-mails, which put you in mind of an ex-Hallmark writer on steroids- that try and tell you that everything is going to be kittens and ladybugs and smiley sunshines. Barf.
But getting off my high horse, I'm not poking fun at the people who send them, and the intent behind the forwards are sweet. It's just that it's such a one dimensional view of reality, I can't help but be irritated. Life isn't all sunshine and roses. And the new year isn't going to be filled with all good things, no matter how many e-mails we get that say so. The fact is, sometimes life just isn't fair. It's hard, it's easy. It's sad, it's joyful. It's fury and rage, and jokes and laughter. It's loss and it's gain. Fighting and making up. Losing and winning. Jobs lost and promotions given. I wish someone would come up with an e-mail forward that says all that. I guess no one wants to hear about the bad stuff----- but somehow in light of this past year, pretty pictures and sugary songs can't mask the hollowness of the words empty promises.
Maybe I'm too cynical for my own good. Cynical, negative- realistic. Whatever you want to call it. I'd rather face facts than hide behind pollyanna promises.

As much as I can't wait to say good riddance to 2008, part of me doesn't really want to let go. It just hurts to think of starting a year without Emily. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's yet another one of those "firsts". 2008 royally stank, but facing 2009 without her just seems so empty.

But from the bottom of my cynical heart, I do wish you all a Happy New Year. And as the last few minutes of 2008 wind down, I do pray for all those things for all of you- health, wealth, happiness, kittens and ladybugs. But even more, I wish for all of you- life. In all it's beauty and it's ugliness. Strength in the hard times, rejoicing in the happy times. Comfort in the sad times, laughter in the good times. And celebration for each new milestone this year brings. And above all, courage to make it through another year. May 2009 be a better year than 2008.

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